How much will my home cost per square foot?
Price per square foot is dependent upon the amenities you would like to include in your home, such as granite versus tile, wood floors versus carpet and tile, etc. At Bower Custom Homes we work to obtain as much information as possible during our initial meeting so the price agreed upon includes all of your selections.
How long will it take to build my home?
Construction time in the Tehachapi area is always weather dependent. We strive to complete your project within 6 months of receipt of the approved plans from the Kern County Building Department and loan approval if using a construction lender.
With recent economic and interest rate changes, has the cost of building gone down?
Not significantly at this time, based on new locally imposed building fees and inspections as well as the higher cost of transportation for materials used to build your home.
How do we get started with a plan for a new home and do we need an architect/engineer?
We work with you to help you design a home that will suit your needs. We have a designer who will prepare preliminary plans for your review and modification until you are satisifed with the final version. The plans are then forwarded to our Engineer for structural review and engineering.
We have a vacant lot, how do we know if we can build what we want, where we want it on the property?
Bower Custom Homes will meet with you and our local Licensed Surveyor to discuss home location and arrange for preparation of a grading plan. If you do not currently have a parcel of land to build on, we will meet with you on properties of interest to help evaluate the sites possibilities.
How do we obtain construction financing and what does it cost?
Construction financing is available through several local lenders or may be available through your personal bank based on loan qualification. Costs vary as the interest rates fluctuate and based on the amount of money loaned. Most lenders will require 20% or more participation from the homeowner.
Further information may be obtained by contacting your local bank or through Annette Norfolk, Academy Mortgage (661) 304-0757 or Laura Johnson, Dignified Home Loans (661) 303-7853.
Are there any fees or costs we need to be aware of?
Yes, Kern County and the City of Tehachapi impose fees that are collected prior to beginning the construction process which include: Building permit fees; school fees; highway impact fees; parks and recreation fees; and grading permit fees. Bear Valley Springs imposes an ECC submission fee of $5,000.00 and requires the purchase of a water meter and encroachment permit at a cost of approximately $7,800.00. All of the fees listed will be included in your construction loan, if applicable.
Why does it take so long after we have plans completed to get the house started?
Your engineered, completed plans must first be submitted to the Kern County Building Department for approval. Prior to submission of the plans, fees must be paid for building and grading permits; School Fees; Parks and Recreation fees; Highway Impact fees; water meter and encroachment; and the appropriate application fee for the community you plan to build in. The Kern County Building Department Review process takes 4 to 8 weeks depending on their current workload.
Can I select my finish materials?
You will be completely involved in the selection process for many areas of the home including brick/stone, granite, tile, carpet, appliances, and fixtures.
Do I have to make my selections right away?
You will be notified in advance of any selections required for the amenities in your home as the construction process progresses.
Who takes care of the utilities - water, electrical, gas and phone?
Our bid for construction of your home will include hookup of available utilties. The appropriate utility company will provide service after application is made by you as the new homeowner. Some deposits may be required by the utility company for service.
Please visit our contact page to e-mail Bower Custom Homes with any other questions.